Tuesday 27 August 2019


Emotions poems

Emotions poems
Excited is like a blooming flower about to
burst open, or excited is like a bright star
in the night sky.

Excited eddy exercises every morning and

Excited is like a blooming flower about to
burst open, or excited is like a bright star in
the night sky. Excited eddy exercises every
morning and night. He bounces up and down
like an excited puppy. 

Monday 26 August 2019

Erebus plane crash

Erebus Voices- Bill Manhire 
  • I am the one with a truly broken heart 
  • I am tears which you will keep tomorrow 
  • And I am still a hand, a fingertip, a ring 
  • I am here beside my brother,Terrow 

  •  Yet we
  •  I am 
  •  Yet we are loved 
  • We
  • Yet we were loved and we are 
What does the writer want you to imagine or understand:
I think that the writer wanted us to understand that everyone lost
something or they were hurt.The mountain also didn’t want this
to happen and the mountain was sad.
What is being emphasised & why:
The people that were killed aren't physically still here but they
are still here in our hearts.

1)(What is the title)Erebus Voices
2.(What is the name of each part) The mountain & The dead  

3) I think the poet chose to do this so that there are 2 different
parts of the story and how each of them felt I also think that
they did it to show that the mountain was also very sad that this

Do you think that the title is important: 
Yes the titole tell you the name of the mountain that the plane

What do you think about the poem:

The poem made me learn a lot because I did not know
about this horrific plane crash, I would definitely be
interested in learning more about it in my own time like
finding out exactly where it was going at the time of the
crash . When I read the poem I did feel sad for all the
people who lost their lives and for the people who lost their
loved ones. I love how the poem shows how the mountain
felt. I feel sad for the mountain because it didn't want any
of this to happen and now no planes ever fly over the
mountain so they can’t appreciate how beautiful it is.
I can't imagine how scary it would have been for the people
that were on the plane at the time of the crash the people
would have been looking forward to the once of a life time
opptunchty  but the poem explains it really well and I love
how the poem shows, (The Mountain) and ( The Dead).

Memories of the Civil War

Memories of the Civil War
Things we need to know :
Who / what are the Springboks?
The springboks are a south african rugby team. 
What is apartheid?
Apartheid is a rule of unfairness of races in south Africa.
What was the Gleneagles agreement?
The gleneagles was an agreement of the commonwealth and prime ministers. 

Understanding the poem:
  • Which royal wedding was mentioned in the poem?
The wedding that was mentioned was Princess Diana’s wedding.  
What is ‘standard one’?
Standard is year 3 

‘Pro-rugby’, ‘pro-tour’ - what does it mean to be ‘pro’ something?
You are for the tour or the rugby
Why might Joeli have been terrified of loud noises?
Can you find evidence in the poem that supports this?
Joeli was terrified of loud noises because she had come from a
country that there were lots of bombs been let off and lots of gun fires 
What is your opinion?
What is your opinion?
Should the 1981 Springbok Tour of New Zealand taken place? 
Explain your opinion.
I am not sure if it should have happened but I feel I would have been
better if they had not come but here are some reasons for both. 
There are good reasons to be for it because if they hadn't come south
africa shouldn't have realised how wrong they were and they would have
probably still be racist towards that own people and kind. Also NZ was a
big part in stopping them. 
But there are also very good reasons to be against it because we signed
the gleneagles agreement and we should have stuck with it. 
My poem on the hawke's bay earthquake (1931)
When the earthquake happened 
I had been up for a few hours
I could see the building around me falling down 
Like the game I used to play (dominos)
The sound was so loud it was deafening 
My mum was telling me to 
GET under a door frame 
I remembered  what on of my 
Teachers had told us to do if there is an 
I ran as fast as I could without getting hit 
By the things flying off the kitchen shelves 
Mums big brown bowls where all over the ground 
I was as scared as a fish that had been brought out of water 
The earthquake seemed as if it had gone on forever.
It was too dangerous for anyone to move so when the shaking stopped
The sound of sirens filled the air 
By Annabelle 

Separation poem

Separation poem 

My Parents have been calling me. 
And asking when they will see me 
I said I am in the airport right now am I coming to see you

When I am on the plane to Gisborne 
I am thinking about whether they are still the same 
It has been 2 years since I have last seen them  

My Mum and Dad must be so worried
I am so worried I have been thinking for
ages what to say and what to tell them about. 

Yeah I can give them their gifts from paris and I can tell them about what
 I saw when standing on the top of the Eiffel tower,

 the place I have always dreamed of going.

Plane pictures

Plane pictures with captions 

This is the plane when we how finished for today 

These are our plane wings before we modified it we made a template so that both sides are symmetric.

This is the body of the plane and the tail

Thursday 22 August 2019


This is the fist landscape I did

This is the second landscape painting I did. I did the sunset background first

This is the third landscape it did but this time I did the using a different teknek.

Monday 19 August 2019

How to make a Glider

How to make a Glider: 

To find the balance you would need to find the center of balance and that is where you would put the wings

What meartails can you use to make a toy glider
These could include balsa wood, paper, cardboard, plastic, and Styrofoam.
We will use balsa wood and 

Different types of gliders:
Balsa wood toy gliders are an inexpensive vehicle for kids to have fun while learning
the basics of aerodynamics. A hand glider is made out of a canvas type material. 

How they stay in the air:
This unpowered aircraft uses naturally occurring currents of rising air in the atmosphere to
remain airborne.

How they land 

Landing a glider is much like landing a normal plane, except there is usually a single small wheel
located directly under the pilot. The wings on a gliders are very strong, and the tips are reinforced to
help stop then getting damaged in case they scrape along the ground during a landing.

Getting up in the air: 
Gliders are usually launched on a rope attached to a winch or a powered aircraft 

Wing shape: 
The wings on a glider are long and thin and give gliders plenty of lift, at a very low speed  they are curved
more above than below 

I like this image because you can see how they have sanded the wood to make sure the plane gets lift.

I like this image because it shows what a basic glider looks like.

This is how you make sure you plane is balanced

I think that for our plane we should put a little bit of masking rudder so that it gets lift  tape on the 

Image result for paper toy gliders

NASA, NASA, www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/glider.html.
I like this website because it explains all the different types of Gliders  
“10 Tips for Building With Balsa.” Flite Test, www.flitetest.com/articles/10-tips-for-building-with-balsa.
I like this website because it shows some good tips for when you are using balsa wood 
2, Joyplanes RC. “How to Make a Balsa Wood Glider.” YouTube, YouTube, 10 Mar. 2017, www.youtube.com/
This is a great video because it shows you how he sands his food to make sure it gets lift 
Instructables. “Balsa Wood Glider.” Instructables, Instructables, 27 Sept. 2017, www.instructables.com/id/Balsa-
Instructables. “Easy Balsa Glider.” Instructables, Instructables, 3 May 2019, www.instructables.com/id/Easy-
Jennings, Terry. Planes Gliders Helicopters and Other Flying Machines How Flying Machines Work. 1994.

This is a book that we found in the library and it is great for telling you about gliders

Tuesday 6 August 2019


The main parts of a plane

On an aircraft the rudder is used to help turn the plane.
In basic form, a rudder is a flat plane or sheet of material attached
with hinges to the craft's stern, tail, or after end. 
Drag is the aerodynamic force that opposes an aircraft's motion through
the air. Aerodynamic means: having a shape which reduces the drag from air
moving past.
Lift In order for a plane to fly, it must generate lift to oppose its weight.
For a plane to get lift I must move through the air.
A plane's engines are designed to move it forward at high speed.
That makes the air flow rapidly over the wings, which throw the air down
towards the ground,  for the plane to generate an upward force called lift
that overcomes the plane's weight and holds it in the sky. The wings force
the air downward and that pushes the plane upward.

When the plane flies horizontally at a slow speed, lift from the wings exactly balances the plane's weight, and the thrust exactly balances the
drag. This creates a lift force, greater than the plane's weight, which
powers the plane higher into the sky.

Planes Poster
