Tuesday 3 December 2019

Monday 2 December 2019

The places I emails 
Website welcome@titanicbelfast.com (I emailed them twice)


My name is Annabelle Thorpe - Hall I am a year 8 student (12 years old) At Campion College
Gisborne New Zealand. I am doing a Horrible Histories school project about the Titanic. 
I would love to ask you some questions if you have got time to answer. I would really appreciate it.
Was the owner of the Titanic sued?
What effects did the sinking of the Titanic have on the owner?
How much money did the owner of the Titanic lose after the ship went down?
Do you know what art works were displayed on the Titanic?
I read that there were 9 dogs onboard the Titanic is that true and do you know if their were
any other animals?
Thank you for your time.
Annabelle Thorpe - Hall 

My name is Annabelle Thorpe - Hall I am a year 8 student (12 years old) At Campion College Gisborne New
Zealand. I am doing a Horrible Histories school project about the Titanic. Whilst I was doing some research
on the internet I discovered that there was a whole Museum on the Titanic and I would love to visit but can't
because I live too far away! I would love to ask you some questions if you have got time to answer.
I would really appreciate it.
Was the owner of the Titanic sued?
What effects did the sinking of the Titanic have on the owner?
How much money did the owner of the Titanic lose after the ship went down?
Why did the owner of the Titanic believed that there was no way that the ship would ever sink?
What was the last meal that was served on the Titanic?
Do you know what art works were displayed on the Titanic?
I read that there were 9 dogs onboard the Titanic is that true and do you know if their were any other animals?
What is your roll at the Museum?
Thank you for your time.
Annabelle Thorpe - Hall 

I emailed 7 different places and had no luck
I have an email back from 1 that I sent.

Hi Annabelle,

I am glad to see someone young wanting to learn about the Titanic. My name is Phill Kleppen. I am a member of the Titanic Historical Society since April 1998 & a volunteer for the Molly Brown House Museum since 2002. Titanic has become hobby. 
Let me see if I can help you with your questions.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2019, 02:38:02 PM MST, Heather Pressman <hpressman@mollybrown.org> wrote:

These are the questions she’s looking to get answered:
1. Was the owner of the Titanic sued? & How much money did the owner of the Titanic lose after the ship went down?

I put these 2 together as the relate to each other. Most people would say that Joseph Bruce Ismay was the owner of Titanic. His father, Thomas Ismay founded the White Star line. After Thomas' death J Bruce Ismay took over the company. In 1902, John Pierpont Morgan, an American financier, steel magnate, & railway baron, along with his International Mercantile Marine Company, IMM, bought the White Star Line from J Bruce Ismay. So, now the line is British-run but American-owned. This action makes J P Morgan the owner of Titanic when it is built. The White Star Line was sued & in 1916 paid out $2.5 million in damages. Was the owner sued? J P Morgan died in 1913. 
2. What effects did the sinking of the Titanic have on the owner?

J P Morgan toured the ship while it was under construction & was shown where his stateroom was on B Deck & was supposed to be a passenger on the maiden voyage but took ill before it set sail. After he heard of the sinking it was a great shock to him & with the two hearing he had to testify later in 1912 it put him in a depression. This was not how he wanted to seen his final years.

3. Do you know what art works were displayed on the Titanic?

To help me not to have to type out each item, here are some examples;

A stunning jewelled edition of The Rubaiyat was lost in the ship, which was a collection of 1,000 poems by Omar Khayyam, an 11th century Persian mathematician and astronomer. The binding of the book was set in gold and contained 1,500 precious stones. It was being transported by RMS Titanic to an American buyer, and was expected to be sold at auction in March 1912 for $1,900 – a significant sum at the time.

Some Titanic passengers, however, did make claims for their lost art. Haken Bjornstrom-Steffansen, who did not board the ill-fated ship, claimed $100,000 for a valuable 4′ x 8′ painting by Blondel, entitled ‘La Circassienene au Bain’. Emilio Portaluppi, a first class passenger aboard the ship, also made a claim for $3,000 for an autographed portrait of Garibaldi.

Francis Davis Millet was one of the highest profile passengers to lose his life aboard RMS Titanic, and many of his famous artworks unfortunately sank with the ship.

4. I read that there were 9 dogs onboard the Titanic is that true and do you know if their were any other animals?
I have heard that there was 12 dogs, a cat, a canary, & a few hens. Only 3 dogs survived. Only 1st class passengers were allowed to have pets. The hens were coming to America to help to improve the breeding of the passengers farm.

I hope this helps you out on your report. 

If you would could you send us a copy of your final report? I know everyone here would love to see it.

Thanks for your interest.

Phill Kleppen
We have a young lady from New Zealand who has some questions about the Titanic.  Are you able to answer any of these?

Heather Pressman
Director of Learning & Engagement
Historic Denver Inc.'s
Molly Brown House Museum
1340 Pennsylvania Street
Denver, CO 80203
303-832-4092 ext.17

Friday 22 November 2019

Would you have survived the titanic


This an interesting sheet that I found about how to titanic sunk.

Titanic timeline

This is my timeline for the titanic on the day it sunk.

Monday 18 November 2019


We did a listening test about chernobyl and we had to find 3 facts about it:

Facts about Chernobyl 

1.You can still die from radiation now in Chernobyl.

2. some areas of Chernobyl are open to the public so that you can see the affects. 

3. Here is a map 

Tuesday 12 November 2019

1988 whanganui air crash

My news report: 


Safety video:

This is some of my reflection:

Did my thinking change:
Yes my thinking changed at the start I was going to do a poster but then I thought that I needed to engage the audience so I did a news report and I will play the Air New Zealand safety briefing.

What would I do differently:
I think that I would do it on my mums phone so that it is cleaner and so that there isn't so much noise in the background.
How did I learn best:
I learnt best at home or with one or two friends at school. While it is quite and their aren't too many distractions .

Thursday 7 November 2019

My planning for my presentation

1988 Whanganui Air Crash
Tune in: 
What do I want to know: 
Why The plane crash
Who was affected 
Did everyone die
What do I know:
I know where the place is.
How do I know it: 
I have heard it on the news.
Find out:
What questions can I ask 
Why did the plane crash? 
Who was one the plane?
How big was the plane? 
When did it happen?
Where did the plane come from?
Where was the plane found? 
What resources can I use: 
What can I do to learn more:
The library 
Plane expertes 
Do homework 
Sort out: 
How can I sort out information:
Planning sheet 
Facts sheet 
Prestation sheet/ideas
What connections can I make:
Been on a plane 
Had a plane safety briefing
Been to hamilton
Do I have new questions: 
Why was the plane allowed to go off cause? 
Go further:
Who is my audience:
The class 
How can I show what I learnt:
News paper 
Safety briefing 
News report 
What ideas help me do more:
Safety briefing 
Making conclusions 

Thursday 12 may 1988 
Plane leaves Hamilton bound for Wanganui

6:30pm pilot contacted their control at Ohakea for permission to deviate from its
planned route due to bad weather. Permission was given. 

6:35pm the plane disappeared from Ohakea’s radar 

Due to land at 6:40pm but didn't 

Friday the 13th the wreckage of the plane as found in the steep bush covered ahu ahu valley. 

It happened 21 years ago 
The plane crash happened in bad weather 
9 people, including 3 children were killed in a 7 seater piper PA-34 crash in denece bush in the
ahu ahu valley 
To avoid bad weather the plane went off course the pilot thought he saw the airport lights but
no so when he went down to land he crashed into a cliff face.
The plane was found on friday the 13th.
Every one died 

Who was involved 
Noel the pilot
Jeanne noel daughter in-law and her 2 children Hillary and Alice along with a 19 month
old baby and his mum and  3 others.  

Works Cited
PressReader.com - Your Favorite Newspapers and Magazines., www.pressreader.com/new-zealand/wanganui-chronicle/20080513/281629596006587.
“Air New Zealand Safety Videos.” Air New Zealand Safety Videos | Air All Blacks | Epic Safety Briefings, www.airnewzealand.co.nz/safety-videos.
“Forestry Death Further Tragedy for Prominent Family Hit by Plane Crash.” Stuff, www.stuff.co.nz/national/116418033/forestry-death-further-tragedy-for-prominent-family-hit-by-plane-crash.
Johnston, Martin. “Aviation Tragedies: New Zealanders Killed in 100 Years of Air Disasters.” NZ Herald, NZ Herald, 7 Mar. 2019, www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12209216.
“New Zealand Disasters Timeline.” RSS, nzhistory.govt.nz/culture/new-zealand-disasters/timeline.
“New Zealand Plane Crash Kills Nine.” UPI, UPI, 13 May 1988, www.upi.com/Archives/1988/05/13/New-Zealand-plane-crash-kills-nine/6966579499200/.

Ranter, Harro. “Accident Piper PA-34-200T Seneca ZK-EQA, 12 May 1988.” Aviation Safety Network > aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=32832.

1988 Whanganui Air Crash By Annabelle

This is my Timeline with the times of when everything happened.

Friday 1 November 2019

6 interesting facts about the Polish refugees in 1944

6 interesting facts about the Polish refugees in 1944

1.The Polish refugees arrived in New Zealand in a ship called General Randall.
2. Their were 733 kids and 102 adults that came over from poland.
3.The camp that the children stayed at was called the dubbed little Poland, this is around the Wairarapa
4. Most of the refugees chose to stay and settle in New Zealand after the war, and only a small amount of then returned to Poland.
5. The prime minister at the time was Peter Fraser.
6. This tragic event happened on the 1st of november 1944.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Mid term Report

I am enjoying doing all the activities about the book and I think that I am good at those activities and I think that I need to improve on being able to get my work done much faster in class so that I am not rushing t the end.

Thank you so much for a great first few weeks I am really enjoying it.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfF569tbgGFvBUedjr-LHmeZBxPIPzxSTmB0lbEvXjOOvK_eQ/viewform (This link does not work)

Wednesday 23 October 2019

The 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake

In 1931 one of New Zealand's deadliest earthquakes happened in hastings and napier more than 256 people died the magnitude was 7.8 that is a huge earthquake and thousands more needed medical treatment. this huge earthquake went on for 2 and a half minutes. The buildings were swaying and falling down around the people they were all running outside. the earthquake happened on the first day of the summer school holidays. with in minests 3 huge fires happened after the earthquake. This was such a sad disaster.
Image result for napier earthquake